Friday, April 11, 2008

Computing is the Mathematics of the 21st century

So I hear.

In 2006, Jeannette Wing published Computational Thinking (I only came across it today), hinting at it. A couple of months ago, Christos Papadimitriou gave a distinguished lecture at MIT spelling it out (The Algorithmic Lens). And only yesterday, another distinguished lecture by Lenore Blum referenced it (Canaries in the Computer Science Coal Mine).

It being the preposterous, inspiring, and radical idea that CS (computational thinking, the algorithmic lens) is not only far from dead, but will supplant Math as the foundation of science in our burgeoning century.

So, like... isn't CS kind of a part of Math? A subset? Aren't people these days more interested in biology and related engineering? Isn't AI a stillborn brainchild of the 20th century?

I want to talk about it, Doc(s). Here's my place for that. I will follow the leads from the three sources above and see where they land me. I will think critically in the hope of recovering the passion that led me to this field many years ago. And I will hone my metaphorical pen - for in the age of victorious CS, getting heard in the roaring sea of information is a skill worth practicing.

Here we go then.